September 06, 2013

Sparkly 7

Sparkly 7 candle found on clearance at Target.
September 2013

June 08, 2013

North Coast Open Studios

Schill Art Studio & Gallery will be open Saturday and Sunday from 11-5 for weekend 2 of North Coast Open Studios.
We will be showing the work of Monica Schill and Susan Cooper.
We are a 1649 Main st. Fortuna,  CA.

June 02, 2013

Day 2 of North Coast Open Studios!

Schill Art Studio & Gallery
 will be open today!

Showing the artwork of 

Susan  Cooper & Monica Schill

1649 Main St. Fortuna, CA
We will also be open next weekend June 8-9

June 01, 2013

May 31, 2013

Open Studio!

North Coast Open Studios starts tomorrow!

I will be showing my art at 
1649 Main St. Fortuna, CA.

June 1,2,8, and 9 from 11am-5pm

May 27, 2013

Getting Ready for North Coast Open Studios

Rubber Duck 
ferro cement sculpture

Two Weekends June 1-2 and June 8-9
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

My studio at 1649 Main Street Fortuna, CA will be open both weekends!
I'll be sharing my space with the wonderful Fortuna artist Susan Dill Cooper.  
Come by and take a look!

February 26, 2013


Moving forward on the 7-7s piece.  
They are all formed now, and 3 are already wrapped with wire (4 to go).  Looking forward to doing the concrete work on these.  Still thinking about the mosaic work.  Not sure about colors and/or patterns.  Maybe flaming colors...

January 25, 2013

A Good Day

Today, I worked on 2 paintings, and a mosaic garden bench.
untitled painting 5x7 inches

 "little painting" #62  9.5x4 inches

 Mosaic bench in process.

January 18, 2013

Busy Painting Day!

I completed 4 paintings today.   

"January 7 #1"  14x18 inches acrylic on canvas

"January 7 #2"  14x18 inches acrylic on canvas

"little paintings #60" 9.5x4 inches acrylic on paper

"little paintings #61" 9.5x4 inches acrylic on paper

January 08, 2013

January 03, 2013

Two more 7s

Good day at the studio today.  My Daughter and Granddaughter came by for a little while, and worked/played with clay.  I was able to form out two more 7s, and I feel that I'm starting to get into the swing of the new studio space.  Smile.

January 02, 2013

New Year

2013 is the year for working in the Fortuna Studio! 
 This year I will be focusing on 7, and getting the ceramics portion of the studio setup.
 I would also like to find Gallery representation in Las Vegas.